Since I was about 8 years old, I had a dream (even a knowing!) that one day I would live in America.…a big dream for a little girl from Lithuania who didn’t even know where America was on a map. Years later, through many synchronized serendipities and a whole lot of persistence (that's another fun story), it all became a reality, when I received a volleyball scholarship to play at the University of Illinois.

I arrived in the U.S. with two duffle bags and a $100 in my hands (my parents’ entire savings!) ...and a proof to myself that if you have a burning desire, no dream is too big!

I wanted to study psychology and human potential and somehow use my experience to help others. However, I needed to get a work visa to stay in the U.S., so I decided to take a more ‘rational’ route to achieve my goal and studied finance instead­!

For the next 15 years I worked for some of the largest Consulting and Accounting firms, where I ambitiously climbed the career ladder, led multi-million-dollar projects and assessed value of multi-billion-dollar companies… squeezing in professional beach volleyball tournaments wherever I could.

It all looked fine from the outside, but on the inside I was crumbling. I was rushing on autopilot through life and so desperately wanted more authenticity, more aliveness and more joy. I wanted to use my gifts to serve others, but I didn't know how or where to start.  

Everything changed, the day I nearly lost my daughter Aria during childbirth. When I finally held my baby girl in my arms, I knew that fierce girl from Lithuania was back as well and she was not going to settle for ‘good enough’ anymore.

Over the next few years, I delved into the personal development world, determined to get my spark back and create a life I absolutely love. I have learned that the tools to design a fulfilled and joyful life are actually quite simple, but yet not easy.

My purpose here is to live the most vibrant, alive and present life and share the tools and habits I have learned, so that others might be inspired to live more fully, authentically, have more joy, and feel more freedom and fulfillment in their lives. 

If you are excited what that would look like for you, join the waitlist for my signature program, Intuitive Business Mastery.

YES! Let's Talk!
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"After 2 years in hibernation, I needed to jumpstart my work, look at things differently and be inspired. I hired Rasa to get me to a new level. She delivered on her promise to change my perspective and approach. I looked forward to our weekly meetings where we pushed the envelope. I would recommend Rasa for anyone looking to see their world through different glasses.

Loralie Ogden

"Working with Rasa was a game-changer! I was "stuck" and needed to find my "why" so that I could move forward in my career with clarity and purpose. In just two sessions, she was able to help me unlock the source of my "stickiness" and work with me to chart a path toward an engaged, conscious, decision-making process that is now the backbone to my career journey. 
I am forever grateful.

Elizabeth Kealoha