For High-Ticket Coaches, Consultants and Creatives  

Start Making $10k-30k months using your Intuitive Genius  

Watch the video below to see if you Qualify.

Start Making $10k + /months using your Intuitive Genius


Want Multiple 6-figure business, a beach house, 20-hour week, time with your kids, and the most amazing joyful (beach) life?

Too good to be true?

Well, I am a living and breathing example that this is possible.

And if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too!

But I am not going to bother you with what is possible when we tap into your full potential…Why?

Because you heard that hundreds of times already. You may have even bought a course or two, read all the books, watched all the videos. And truth to be told, you got something out of every one of those experiences you had…BUT it wasn’t a game changer.

How do I know all this? Because I was that woman who wished to create my own business that I loved, create financial freedom and be my own boss, so that I could spend more time with my family, love what I do, make a difference, and make a $hit ton of money with ease. Except that I wasn’t…

I was reading all the books, I was taking all the courses, I was hiring the top coaches. It was all very helpful ... I got occasional clients here and there, but things were not taking off like I wish it would.

It felt like grinding again and at one point things started to resemble my 9 to 5 life I was running away from in the first place.

In between my doubts to quit I found a quiet voice that pulled me toward connecting to my spirit, my intuitive knowing, and my alignment to my higher self (universe, God, source, higher intelligence, whatever world resonates to the higher power for you).

I had no idea where that would lead me, but I trusted this pull towards this world of aligned guidance I was looking for. And omg that was the missing ingredient in all I was doing!

My worry and doubt turned into an unshakable belief. Pushing and hustling turned into an effortless flow. Endless hours trying to prove turned into a 20 hour work week I absolutely love.

Because of this effortless flow energy I was emanating, other aligned entrepreneurs started gravitating towards me. They wanted the same. They were tired of the pushing and non stop hustling. They were tired of putting max effort to generate meh results. Tired of the imposter syndrome that was holding them back to show up powerfully and unapologetically in their business and life.

This is how

Intuitive Business Mastery

was born.

I can go on telling you all the stories that my clients are creating. But it’s better if you listen to it yourself…
Here are the other amazing stories of what can that secret ingredient of your alignment lead you to:

Mollie started a side business that she loves bringing her extra $2,000 a month on top of her full time job


“Working with Rasa was a perfect balance of body, mind and spirit. I felt like I combines my head and heart. I was able to get specific frameworks and technical experience while reaching out to see what I truly desire. Rasa brought me to the whole me. You must get an experience with Rasa and you will see your entirety! Amazing experience. I loved every minute of it!”

Samantha created and launched her prenatal business


"Prior working with Rasa I had no clue where to start... Signing up for the Mastermind showed me how to connect with my deeper self and gave me the courage to follow my dream. During her Mastermind I was able to finally turn my passion a personal business!"

Olga and her husband started investing in real estate and onto their 6th multi-unit property


"The Mastermind with Rasa has truly changed not only mine, but my husband's life as well! Before working with Rasa, I thought that everything I dreamed about was impossible to create in my life. She helped me breakthrough my "reasonable mindset" and suddenly my world shifted forever in the most amazing way."

Stephanie wrote and published her first book


"Before working with Rasa I thought of myself as not shying away from taking risks and being vulnerable. During the Mastermind course I saw clearly how I was holding myself back. In some areas, some that truly matter to me I was playing it safe and held myself reserved. With the help of Rasa I released all that was holding me back. And as a result I turn my old dream and passion into a reality - publishing my first book!"

Shannon landed her dream job working 4 days a week and found a love of her life


"I was out of the corporate world for one year. Rasa guided me in gaining clarity of what I wanted in my career, helped me transform my mindset to release limiting beliefs and believe it was possible. She supported me through the whole process including interviews, guided me to transform doubts and fears, navigate highs and lows, to finally reaching my goal...My Dream Job!"

Andrea started her Leadership Consulting business and signed multiple training and speaking contracts


"This mastermind group gave me a framework to create structure in the unstructured, encouragement to feel courageous through the unknown, and confidence to tackle the daily challenges knowing I had someone supporting me when I felt like I didn't know how to support myself. I am so grateful for this group. As a result of the support and strategies I received, I have formed an LLC, created my own personal brand, built a stronger LinkedIn presence, had the courage to pursue my dreams, and landed multiple training contracts!"

Jamie started her copywriting business and took it to $10k+ doing what she loves on her terms


"As a result of the Mastermind, I've created a blog in which I've been disciplined in posting each week, coming up on my 25th post in a few weeks. While I just blogged to blog at the beginning, I feel I was able to find my niche in my blogging topics in helping others to feel validated and inspired and empowered on their individual journeys. This led to an even bigger breakthrough in which I decided that I wanted to be a creative copywriter. Rasa helped me to see how to turn my talent into business. I was able to create my first client during this Mastermind journey and have made $20k out of this new "little" venture of mine. Since then I was able to create consistent $10k+ months, which is more than I was making at my corporate job! I can't believe this is my life now!"

So, what is that secret ingredient Rasa?

What do you do differently that gets people all these results?


Most courses and coaches teach you tactical things, give you frameworks and strategies. Yes to all that! I give you all the tactical and strategic help you need, but what I give you that makes the biggest impact for you is my intuitive guidance and my creative genius.

You can’t teach that. You can’t copy that. It doesn’t even come from me, I am just a channel delivering the message.


What is Creative Genius?


More and more in the business world we hear words like intuition and higher-self. There are so many examples of what this often overlooked superpower can create: Sarah Blakely created Spanx, Oprah built her whole empire with this superpower and many more.

Women who are intuitively connected to their higher self have a clear internal GPS guiding them in the business world (and life in general). It’s that secret element that allows their creative genius flow. It’s that energy and passion, that unshakable belief that shows us the fastest and the most effortless way towards the outcomes we desire.

I help you with both (1) discovering your own internal guidance and (2) connecting to your own creative genius. And in addition to that, I give you access to my own creative genius, highest vibration, and guidance.

Your highest self has access to so much more than your physical brain and mind can access. Your higher self has all the answers, all the information and all the resources you need. I help you bridge the gap between you and your highest consciousness so you can always be connected to that infinite wisdom and creativity that you need to build a thriving heart-centered business you desire.

Common questions that people ask me or how they feel when they start building their own business:


I have this fear of Failure. How do I overcome my own doubts?

Fear and doubt are the signals that you are simply out of alignment. Have you been struggling with restlessness and a body feeling of dread, a lack of confidence to make the leap and don’t feel like you have a clear direction? Intuitive Business Mastery will take you from misaligned energy to heart centered, soul driven passion needed to create your dream career, business, or project. You will go from doubting to knowing through connection with your intuition, higher self, and your guides. You will receive exceptional support so that you have a thorough understanding of what intuition is, your specific way of connecting, and how to incorporate it into your everyday life and business mastery.


I feel lonely building my own business.

It’s normal to feel this way. I felt lonely and I dreamed about having someone by my side who could help me, advise me and keep me accountable. That’s why during this Mastery we all stay connected 24/7 via WhatsApp chat. It will be your intimate community where you'll have an opportunity to interact with other intuitive entrepreneurs, so that you can receive the support, guidance, and inspiration from your peers as well as myself.


I feel so much financial stress that I need to start making money.

I hear this very often. And what I advise you to do is first of all simply shift your focus. Money is just a reflection, a by-product of your own growth and impact. Focus on amplifying your value, your impact and accelerating your growth. Money will follow.

Another big thing that creates this stress is our deep seeded fears and beliefs around money (money mindset). That’s why as a bonus to everyone who joins this Mastery I give you a course where I guide you step by step how to discover and overcome your money blocks. If unidentified, money blocks act as a lid to your success and no matter how much effort you put in, your results just won’t surpass that invisible lid.


I feel like an Imposter.

When you start building our own business, you suddenly will see yourselves in a new light. All of the fears and insecurities begin to surface (including the ones you never knew you had!). As such we start confusing self-belief with self-confidence. You can believe in yourself and still not feel confidence. The truth is, you will not feel confident when you start something new. You will develop confidence as you develop the skill and competence. So don’t let the lack of confidence stop you from starting.   


I’m anxious and confused with all the things I need to do.

I get it. We all went through that. Imagine having a personal board of advisors dedicated to serving you and your business. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Well, this is what you will get. You will have me, my team and your Intuitive Business Mastery community holding your hand while you will take those bold inspired actions. Whenever you have a question, you will have me 24/7 in your pocket via WhatsApp chat.


I keep losing that motivation and energy. I would love to have more consistent energy “I can do it and I am doing it”.

In this 4-month journey you will learn practical exercises to grow and develop your intuitive knowing and your unshakable belief. You will also see a significant shift in your inner dialogue from disempowering thinking, those repetitive, discouraging, and hypercritical thoughts to empowering, trusting, aligned streams of thoughts that will move you towards an amazing transformation and results.

Bonuses you'll receive include an emotional mastery guide to help you to deal with the mental, physical, and emotional thoughts and feelings that will come up as you take the brave step and move towards a higher aligned career, or entrepreneurship. The second bonus you’ll receive is recorded meditations so that you can consistently connect to your intuition, your abundance, higher self, and guides. Having that quiet time is essential in our lives. We will establish and/or reinforce your practice together if you already have one. With so many distractions and so many touch points these meditations will be extremely valuable in your growth path to becoming an intuitive entrepreneur.


From pushing to Attracting

Intuitive Business Mastery is for you if any of that resonates. It’s a four-month mastermind experience to launch and scale your business built on a proven method for creating an intuition-based strategy. It WORKS and is attainable by anyone who is open and willing to believe.

What’s included?

This mastermind is by invitation only four-month group-based experience designed to help you gain clarity through your own intuition, build an aligned strategy based on YOUR specific goals, and create and/or scale your business on your own terms. It's customized to you, your intuition, and YOUR business.

Personalized 1:1 Coaching

We will start by having a 1:1 strategy session to map YOUR individual business blueprint. This will move you forward in your business with a blend of intuition and business strategy that is entirely customized to you and your business.

Group Coaching

Every week we will meet all together as a group. These sessions are a blend of training, mentoring, intuitive guiding and Q&A. We will focus on your strategy, tactical steps, creative guidance, heart-centered marketing and authentic sales.

Weekly Inspired Action

Each Session you will commit to an inspired action and receive focused coaching to get you moving toward your goals.

Access to the training vault

Intuitive Business Mastery members gain access to various training modules on topics all across the field of intuition-led business. Examples include: how to plan your content, how to do a sales call, how to lead an enrollment call, how to design and communicate your offer, how to tap into your masculine and feminine energies in business, how to overcome your money mindset blocks and so so so much more.

Unparallel peer support

Sisterhood healing is the unsung hero of the energy world. Connecting deeply and profoundly with other women is healing in a way that will not only change your life, but your business. It is an experience unlike any other.


Although we encourage you to participate live in our weekly online sessions, calls are recorded and posted on our training platform. Your platform will also have pre-recorded trainings, business tools, copywriting templates, recommended readings, guides etc.. 


Intuition-Based. Value-Led.

What we believe in in the Intuitive Business Mastery.


  • We believe we have been called by something divine to fulfill a mission using our gifts.
  • We believe in attracting rather than pushing.
  • We believe deeply in connection over competition.
  • We believe in an imperfect action rather than a perfectly polished one.
  • True meaningful connection is the key. No connection = No business.
  • We believe that our vibrational state is foundational to success.
  • We believe that abundance in all forms is available to every person on this planet.

Intuitive Business Mastery process


Creating Wealthy Vision of You

Developing Unshakable Belief

Mastering Vibrational Signature & Alignment

Accessing your Intuitive Guidance

Upgrading Money Mindset

Sharpening Money Tactics

Aligning Sales and Marketing Strategy

Laying Business Foundation - Aligned Client Creation Process

Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Taking Inspired Action - ACCOUNTABILITY

Building you online authority - becoming more visible


 = Wealthy Business & Life

The Intuitive Business Mastery as an investment in your highest expansion. You're going to develop a powerful connection to your creative genius for expanding your business and life.

Most importantly, you're going to learn how to stand in your personal power and the magic of your own intuitive guidance—which is THE thing that's going to shift your experience with your business and personal goals (like it did for me and many of my clients).

It's THE skill that's going to take you over the edge to become adept at running your heart centered business from a confident place of knowing.

Using  intuition in your business is not just getting better at meditation and self care.  (that’s SUPER important and you will definitely get support with that).  

However, the Intuitive Business Mastery is absolutely different.

What I'm giving you in The Intuitive Business Mastery is a breakthrough. I'm going to show you how to claim your self worth, intuitive knowing, personal power and release your thinking to become a better human. A human who can sense and feel the answers to life's toughest questions. The one who makes more money, has more free time, feels confident in your decisions, exude groundedness and patience.

And feeling that steadiness always… if you are willing to commit to the work.

What would it be worth to you to walk through life like that?

For me, it’s priceless. 


Ready to Grow Your Business Better with Intuition?


Begin your journey to a more effective way to do business using intuitive tools that reveal your unique pathway to success.



Questions that you might have before we begin this transformational journey of yours.

"I just finished working with Rasa in her Mastermind and really loved the group that she pulled together of high energy women. She led us in some very tactical and practical exercises to set goals and really reach for the very best version of ourselves. The way that she did this, I felt it really beautifully combined that tactical, practical and goal setting with grounding and a really beautiful spiritual and playful energy as well. 

To me, it was a real blend of true divine feminine and masculine aspects of who she is to really harness that in each of the women that were part of the group. I loved her approach so much that I started working with her individually to really get clear on my personal life and might share my personal story. 

In the final session, each of us shared really what the practical outcome was of the work that we had done together as a group over the many weeks before. I was able to share that personal story with the group which was huge growth for me and learning to share my voice in a more direct and outward way. 

So, I just wanted to say if you want to leverage Rasa's background, she's got a phenomenal business background that she combines to provide beautiful insights in getting clear on how each of us can be the best version of ourselves, both in our work life, in our personal life and the amazing a blend of those two. I can't recommend her highly enough!"

Mary, Private Equity

"During the past 5 months, Rasa has helped me change my life in ways I never imagined

We as humans always face challenges personally or professionally. Rasa is a compassionate, intuitive person and has an incredible empathic ability to help others sort through these difficult or challenging circumstances. During our IGNITED Mastermind, she helped me identify my goals, encouraged me to go to my next level and helped me to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Her coaching has been very transformative and I feel so blessed to call her a friend and coach. Rasa is a transcendent soul and I will forever be thankful!

I think everybody deserves a coach, but Rasa is not just another high performance coach or transformational teacher. She is a gift that cannot be easily categorized. Her authentic approach, guidance and perception are instrumental in providing the focus and clarity to define what my intentions are, to set them, and move towards them. Working with Rasa has been one of the best things I’ve done for myself and I definitely recommend everybody working with her.

Rasa encouraged me to explore my creative side to facilitate open feelings and thinking. After each session I felt a renewed sense of purpose and energy in my life. I highly recommend Rasa as a coach! Having IGNITED Mastermind session with her on my calendar motivated me to actively consider my current state and work consistently on getting to my next level. Her attentive listening, adept intuition, and candid advice combines into a powerful experience that is soothing as well as provoking. Thank you Rasa!"

Zuzana, Investment Banking

"As a senior executive leading an 80-person team, I constantly have a to-do list with a focus on getting things done. But while working with Rasa through her ‘Health to Wealth’ mastermind group, I realized the value of putting more intention behind my thinking, actions, and list. Rasa’s program provided practical actionable activities, a supportive group, and targeted one-on-one sessions with her – a powerful combination that helped me focus more clearly to get meaningful results.I use the strategies I learned in this masterclass daily. They help me show up for myself and my family in incredible ways."

Emily, Executive Business Consultant for Government Agencies

"I cannot be more grateful for Rasa and her authentic generosity. Rasa is genuinely invested in her clients' best interests. I took Rasa's Health-To-Wealth Mastermind class and I wish I had taken it sooner (like years ago)! She gave me the knowledge and courage to embody a whole new outlook on managing my personal finances and retirement goals, which I was able to put into action immediately and yield better-than-expected results for my piggybank and peace of mind. Thank you Rasa, I look forward to learning more from you!"

Meghan, Operations Director

"Rasa is such an amazing transformational teacher! Her empathy, enthusiasm, and joy are powerful. The most impactful part of the group experience for me was witnessing the struggles of others.  It is clear that so many of us are struggling day-to-day with finding our true north, hearing our inner voice, and soothing our conditioned fears. Hearing the struggles of others helps me feel more empowered over my own suffering.  The tools Rasa provided to think about my fears and desires more concretely was also very valuable. "

Kimberly, Attorney

"Rasa, I just wanted to say a BIG tank you for giving your all! This experience with you was a life changing for me. You are a true transformational coach. You inspired me to take action and start living life that I desire right here and now. You are a living and breathing example of how your life can change if follow your heart. I highly recommend this mastermind for others who want to find that spark in their life again. With Rasa’s energy and authentic life experiences she brings into this course you will definitely get to your NEXT LEVEL!"

Monika, HR Director